Protocol analyzer

Protocol Analyzer Tutorial

In this section

Protocol analyzers are widely used for helping test and assess the performance of data networks.

Data networks are widely used for everything from relatively local area data networks right through to large scale data networks.

These networks require monitoring and test to ensure they are operating correctly or to locate issues, faults and problems.

In order to be able to satisfactorily test data networks a variety of techniques may be used and one of the key tools for assessing these networks is the protocol analyzer

Protocol analysis

The operation of data networks can be complicated. To ensure the correct communication of data across a data network, between different entities, standard protocols may be used. These ensure that both ends of the data network comprehend the types of data being communicated and ensure that the transfers take place in an ordered fashion.

To ensure the correct operation of the network, one key test technique is to monitor the data traffic between two points and ensure that the correct messages are being transmitted, and the expected protocols are being implemented.

As the protocols used can often be relatively involved, it is essential to ensure the protocols on any new development are operating correctly, and that when issues occur, the correct protocols are being used for existing network links.

Protocol analyzers

In order to test the protocols and correct operation of a link between elements within a network, the protocol analyser is inserted into the relevant area of the network.

The analyzer captures data from the relevant port or link within a network segment using a spanning tool. It then takes the captured data and reproduces it in a form which can be read and interpreted, although it may still appear unreadable to the untrained eye. This enables some level of analysis to highlight key information.

Often the analyser will include tools that are able to interpret the messages and highlight any possible issues.

Protocol analyser types

There are several types of protocol analyzer that may be used when analysing the operation and performance of data networks. These include the types listed below.

  • Network protocol analyzer:   A network protocol analyser is the name given to a test instrument or software that is used to analyse the protocol messages occurring over a communications channel within a data network. It can be used to analyse the way in which the message exchanges take place and ensure the system is operating correctly. Typically it will capture the messages, analyse them and then display them so that the operation can be viewed.
  • Packet analyzer:   As the name suggests a packet analyser is used to capture packets of data to examine them. This can be viewed as a specific form of protocol analyser as one will typically examine the different elements of the data packet to ensure the correct operation of the system.
  • IP load tester:   IP load testers are a form of protocol analyser that are dedicated to the evaluation of router performance. Normally the router performance is assessed in two categories: forwarding performance, i.e. data plane, and the routing performance, i.e. control plane. In view of the way in which testing is accomplished, the two functions are usually evaluated simultaneously.
  • Bus analyzer:   This form of protocol analyser is used for testing the operation and the protocols on a data bus.

These are only some of the various test instruments that may be used. In addition to this, many networks also use installed network analysis software to help analyse the performance of the overall network and sometimes they may provide self-healing capabilities. However these are not test instruments as such and are not covered here.

By Ian Poole


Protocol analyzers

– [Narrator] Protocol analyzers are an important tool, available to both network and security professionals.

Protocol analyzers allow administrators to peer into the actual packets traveling on a network and inspect them in deep detail. This is very useful when trying to troubleshoot network issues or investigate security incidents.

Protocol analyzers must be used carefully however, because they can always jeopardize the confidentiality of sensitive information.

When they're used in the wrong hands. Let's take a look at a protocol analyzer in use. We're going to use Wireshark. The most common and free protocol analyzer. Right here I'm running Wireshark on a server that runs in the cloud.

And I have an RDP session open to the system from my laptop that's running over port 3389. I'm going to go here and just click start, to initiate the packet capture. And immediately the screen begins filling up with lines of communication.

Each one of these lines on the screen and you can see it started scrolling already, there's so many of these. Each one of these lines on the screen represents a single TCP packet that's being sent over the network. And we can see some basic information here. The time elapsed from the start of the capture until this packet was received.

The source and destination IP addresses. The protocol that was used. The length of the packet. And then some high level summary information about that packet.

Now the reason this is filling up so quickly and I'm getting so many packets, is because this Wireshark session is actually capturing the RDP data that's been sent back and forth between my laptop and the server.

So we have a little bit of a vicious cycle going here where each time I send a packet via RPD to the server, it captures it. That packet capture then causes another packet to be captured because the screen update is sending traffic back and forth.

So what I'm going to do is go ahead and add a filter to Wireshark. That's going to remove all of the RDP conversations from the screen. So I'm going to go up here to the filter section of Wireshark and type in my filter.

Which is anything with a TCP destination port of 3389 should be removed.

That's the port that RDP uses. And then I also want anything that has a TCP source port of 3389 to be removed. I go ahead and apply this filter and now the traffic is down to a manageable level.

What I'm going to do now, is switch over to a web browser that's also running on this same server and I'm going to go ahead and just visit a website. I'm going to go to ESPN dot com.

And that page begins to load and as you may know, when you load a webpage, there are actually many individual files being transferred.

Each chunk of text is probably a file, each one of these advertisements and videos that's appearing is also a file. And all of this is being captured in Wireshark behind the scenes. This very simple loading of a webpage is actually very complicated when you look at it from a network perspective.

So I'm going to now switch back to Wireshark. The first thing I'm going to do in Wireshark is I'm going to stop the capture so we don't get any new information added.

And now I'm going to scroll down to the bottom of this communication stream and you can see all of this information that's being sent back and forth while we were doing the capture.


RF Wireless World

This page covers protocol analyzer basics and also mention typical applications of protocol analyzer used for analysis of various interfaces such as RS232, RS485, I2C, HTTP and so on. It is also referred as protocol sniffer.

Protocol Analyzer Basics

Protocol Analyzer is the equipment used to perform protocol analysis. It is not limited to one particular standard or technology or interface type. It is applied to multiple standards/technologies and used for multiple interfaces viz. RS232, RS485, I2C etc.

For example in GSM system, protocol analysers are connected with BTSs, MSCs and BSCs which will capture the traces in the case of failures at these sub systems for debugging and troubleshooting. The logs captured are provided to central office locations which will be used by software and or hardware team for further analysis. The log analysis is done either manually or using software tools.

Logs captured using protocol analyzer will help in offline analysis of the system. It is not feasible to have it placed at all the network interfaces to capture the logs due to higher cost.


•   Does measurements from lower to higher level and hence help analyze complete traces of the call. •   Additional software applications help analyze the captured logs quickly. •   can be customized easily for any standards/technologies with modifications in the protocol stack.

Models 4951C & 4952A from Hewlett Packard are popular protocol analyzers for analysis of Async, SDLC or NRZI, BSC, HDLC, SNA, X.25, DDCMP and other user defined protocols. It will allow user to monitor and to decode data transmission locally as well as remotely using LAN interface. It supports 19.2kbps asynchronous and 64kbps synchronous interfaces.

Modern day wireless systems are composed RF, layer-1 (physical layer), MAC layer and Upper layers (TCP/IP or UDP/IP) and application layer protocols. It is not easy to trace out the problems so easily using RF test and measurement tools and hence low level protocol analysis using protocol analyzer is a must. Figure depicts RS232 based protocol analyzer.

Protocol Analyzer Applications

Protocol Analyzer is used in many systems for protocol analysis and troubleshooting while implementing protocol stack. Systems having RS232, RS485, I2C interfaces are among them.

Test and Measurement Equipments

This section covers test and measurement equipments for WLAN, WiMAX, zigbee, Bluetooth, GSM, UMTS, LTE and more standard based device testing. It covers spectrum analyzer, VSG, VSA, frequency counter, protocol analyzer, AWG, digitizer, function generator, pulse generator, RF network analyzer, power meter, logic analyzer and more.

Test and Measurement Equipments

BER Testing equipments
Agilent T & M Solutions
Anritsu T & M Solutions
Rohde & Schwarz T & M solutions
wireless channel emulator
Vector signal generator
Vector signal analyzer
Power Analyzer Equipments
Protocol Analyzer


Using the Protocol Analyzer [Reference.Digilentinc]

When working on any digital logic project, communication between hardware, sensors, or main boards happens with various communication protocols. Logic analyzers can be useful when trying to discover if communication between components is working, but once you find out which component isn't working, a protocol analyzer is a must.

With a protocol analyzer, you can connect to a piece of hardware, power, and read or write to it. For example, if I have a SPI light sensor and I'm not receiving data, I can quickly check to see if the hardware is malfunctioning by connecting it and getting data. I can also quickly adjust settings to see if maybe the clock frequency or something else specified is incorrect.

The Analog Discovery 2 provides a pattern generator that can be used to test communication protocols. This is also true of the Digital Discovery, original Analog Discovery, and Electronics Explorer board.

We will go through the logic analyzer interface, how to use it, and an example.

The first thing we'll do to familiarize ourselves with the protocol analyzer is take a walk around the tool. Below is an image of the main WaveForms window if you have the Analog Discovery plugged in, or you are in demo mode for the Analog Discovery 2.

On the left-hand side is a button for each of the tools. Clicking on the button labeled Protocol will open the protocol analyzer.

There are three main menus in the main window: File, Control, and Window.

The File menu allows you to open a specific configuration of the Protocol Analyzer, save the current configuration, or close the Protocol Analyzer window. This can be especially helpful if you are working on a project and get the settings just right and need to stop and continue later, or repeat the test at a later date.

The Control menu allows you to run and stop the Protocol Analyzer. When you want to read or write a specific piece of data, you will need to make sure that the overall tool is running before you can read, write, or execute.

The Window menu allows you to change which WaveForms tab or window you have open. The Help tab contains information on all of the tools, menu options, and buttons. If you ever question how something works or functions, visit the Help tab. Below that, you will see whatever windows or tabs are currently open.

If you ever want to change a window to a tab, or tab to a window, you can click on the button displayed below.

The Protocol Analyzer currently supports three protocols: UART, SPI, and I2C. The settings and controls for these analyzers are located in the three tabs below the menu bar we just talked about. The first tab is the UART tab.

The UART tab allows you to send, receive, and save data over UART.

The first section on the UART tab which you can toggle open and closed is the settings section.

TX allows you to set which data line the data will be transmitted along. You can set this to any of the 16 digital I/O pins for the Analog Discovery and Digital Discovery.

RX allows you to set which data line the data will be received along. You can set this to any of the 16 digital I/O pins for the Analog Discovery and Digital Discovery, as well as any of the 24 High Speed Inputs on the Digital Discovery.

Polarity selects the signal polarity. This signal polarity can either be set to standard or inverted.

Bits selects the number of data bits and can be set to a value between 0 and 32 bits.

Parity allows you to select the parity mode. You can choose between odd, even, mark and high, and space or low parity modes.

Stop specifies the number of stop bits. You can choose a value between 0 and 3 bits.

Rate specifies the baud rate in bits per second. You can choose between 110 and 50,000,000 bits per second in standard baud rate values.


SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer сниффер пакетов (анализатор сетевого трафика)

Категория ~ Технические советы– Автор: Игорь (Администратор)

Снифферы пакетов, как SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer, позволяют перехватывать весь проходящий трафик через ваши сетевые адаптеры, что особенно необходимо при детальном анализе подозрительной активности. Однако, их основное назначение заключается не только в перехвате и отслеживании вредоносной активности, но и в поиске неисправностей. Кроме того, снифферы позволяют анализировать трафик с точки зрения протоколов.

Например, если вам нужно выяснить какую долю от общего трафика потребляет мультимедийный трафик, передаваемый по протоколу UDP на множество IP адресов, то единственным вариантом остаются снифферы, так как обычные мониторы трафика попросту не предназначены для решения подобных задач. Безусловно, часть мониторов сети могут отслеживать трафик программ, но если приложение или служба используется не только для передачи мультимедиа, то вы не сможете разделить проходящий трафик. По этой и другим причинам снифферы всегда будут оставаться востребованными.

SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer предоставляет пользователям множество различных инструментов, включая отчеты об анализе проходящего трафика, используемых протоколах, активности хоста, подсчете средних размеров пакетов и другие.

Как и в случае любого сниффера, вы сможете посмотреть и проанализировать каждый отдельный пакет (заголовки протоколов и сами данные), проходящий через ваш адаптер.

На сайте разработчика указывается, что сниффер умеет полностью декодировать низкоуровневые протоколы, как AH, ARP, ESP, ICMP, ICMPv6, IGMP, IP, IPv6, IPX, LLC, MSG, REVARP, RIP, SAP, SER, SNAP, SPX, TCP and UDP. Так же поддерживаются и протоколы более высокого уровня, как HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, FTP, TELNET и другие.

 Кроме того, SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer предоставляет вам возможность создавать и отправлять любые пакеты, так что если вам нужно отладить сервис или приложение, то вы всегда сможете это легко сделать. Весь полученный трафик можно легко фильтровать по протоколам, портам, данным и адресам. Так же SNPA позволяет создавать сложные скриптовые фильтры для вычленения только необходимых пакетов.

Сайт разработчика и ссылки на скачивание SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer вы можете найти по этой ссылке (ссылки для скачивания находятся в самом низу страницы).

Программа поддерживает версии Windows, начиная c WinXP и включая 32-битный и 64-битные версии. Существует версия как с инсталлятором, так и портативная.

Так что вы всегда сможете захватить с собой этот удобный и мощный инструмент.

Теперь, у вас всегда будет под рукой сниффер для перехвата и анализа вашего трафика.


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Protocol Analyzers/Sniffers

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Free Network Analyzer

Free Network Analyzer is a software network packet sniffer and protocol analyzer for Windows platform.

Using this free network monitoring software you may intercept any data transmitted via wired broadcast or wireless LAN (WLAN) and Internet connections of your computer. Our freeware network sniffer allows you to capture, filter and display any traffic data flowing through your network adapters.

It decodes captured network communication packet's raw data, displaying the binary, hex, decimal and text field values in the each packet, and analyzes its contents according to the RFC and other specifications.

Packets data is parsed, extracted and represented in simple human-readable form, allowing you to perform effective forensic analysis of any data transferred via your PC network interfaces.

The key features of our free network monitor:

View key features of this network traffic analysis software

Our free packet sniffer for Windows has basic features: filter, decode, parse, track network requests.

It also features some unique advanced features that differentiate it from any other network traffic analysis tools:

  • Our free network monitoring tool supports real-time protocol analysis and effective dataflow processing even under high traffic load on high data rate communications.
  • Our free network sniffing tool supports filtering and displaying data filtered by specific protocol.
  • Our free netflow analyzer provides you with ability to search for data patterns with RegEx (Regular Expressions) support.
  • Our free network packet sniffer allows you to customize configuration of the workspace and tune the way which raw data stream is displayed on the screen.
  • Our freeware network traffic monitor supports importing log files from third party protocol analyzers.
  • Our free network traffic analysis software allows you so specify binary, hex, decimal and text patterns to be highlighted in the dataflow.
  • Our free network sniffer for Windows supports more than 70 different data encodings.

Free network analyser enables you explore and trace any packets from all local area network adapters and most popular Wi-Fi wireless network adapters which supports IEEE 802.11 network protocol standards. Explore, view and monitor all Ethernet and Internet IP, TCP, UDP and ICMP packets with ease.

How Free Network Analyzer Works

Our software network protocol analyzer installs NDIS filter driver over the network adapter device driver and then monitors all requests passed via Windows network interface.

Program parses, decodes and analyses entire content of all packets passing through your network adapters.

Any traffic which flows via opened network ports may be also captured and analyzed, allowing you to view and trace all data transferred by network applications or devices.

This free network data explorer supports advanced data filtering, highlighting and searching for patterns with regular expressions, which makes this software extremely useful for deep network traffic analysis.

Our free network protocol analyzer software is designed for effective intercepting, capturing, decoding and monitoring of network communications.

This free network traffic monitoring software processes monitored data in real-time even for high data rates; it remains responsive during 1 Gbit/s network communications monitoring even on budget desktop PC.

Superior performance of this network protocol analyser makes it extremely useful for real-time network monitoring applications.

Capturing and interactively displaying of data transferred via network connections now made easy!

Free Network Analyzer OS support:

Our free software network monitor supports Windows desktop and server platforms starting from Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit) and including Windows 8/8.1 x86 and x64 operating systems.

System requirements: Our free network protocol decoder/parser/debugger requires 2 GB of RAM and 256 MB of free hard disk space.

Our free net flow analyzer supports capturing, decoding, parsing and analyzing data transferred by the following network protocols:

View network protocols supported by our net sniffer

  • ARP – Address Resolution Protocol
  • FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  • HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
  • HTTPS – Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
  • ICMP – Internet Control Message Protocol
  • ICMPv6 – v6 version
  • IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol
  • NetBIOS, NBNS – Network Basic Input Output System
  • SSL – Secure Sockets Layer
  • UDP – User Datagram Protocol
  • TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
  • NetLogon, Kerberos – Computer network authentication protocol
  • DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (ipv4)
  • DHCPv6 – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (ipv6)
  • DNS – Domain Name System Protocol
  • SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  • WINS – Windows Internet Name Service
  • IPX – Internet Packet Exchange Protocol
  • IPV4 -Internet Protocol version 4
  • IPV6 – Internet Protocol version 6
  • LLC – Local link control
  • SNA -Systems Network Architecture Protocol
  • ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode Protocol
  • PPPoE – Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
  • CCP – Compression Control Protocol for PPP
  • CHAP – Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
  • EAP – Extensible Authentication Protocol (PPPoE)
  • LLMNR – Link Local Multicast Name Resolution
  • MIME – Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions
  • MSPRC – Microsoft Remote Procedure Call Protocol (MSRPC)
  • RPC – Remote Procedure Call
  • SIP – Session Initiation Protocol
  • SMB – Server Message Block Protocol
  • SMB2 – Server Message Block Protocol v2
  • TLS – Transport Layer Security
  • SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol
  • BACNET – Building Automation Control Network

In addition, our netsniffer (networksniffer)/netanalyzer shows data transmitted by any other protocol in form of easy configurable raw data stream.

View network analyzer usage scenarios

With our freeware net analyzer utility you can:

  • Capture and discover LAN and Internet traffic patterns
  • Analyze network problems and verify system effectiveness
  • Detect, explore and trace security threats
  • Identify, analyze and track network anomalies
  • Collect and analyze data flow from network devices, routers and switches (hubs)
  • Analyze network configuration (interfaces, adapters, parameters)
  • View winsock calls, WINS Queries , DNS Queries, DHCP information
  • Search for specific strings and hex data patterns in monitored packets
  • Reverse engineer protocols used over the network
  • Test and debug client – server communication
  • Test and debug network protocol implementation

Perform network forensics and analysis with our Ethernet packet sniffer and analyzer.

If you are looking for software based solution for development and debugging network applications, devices and drivers, Free Network Analyzer is what you need. It requires no hardware and allows you to test network communications and debug protocol errors, view and fix device failures.

View network analyzer target groups

Free WAN / LAN sniffer and analyzer is an extremely useful tool for the following target groups:

  • Network administrators
  • IT security specialists
  • Programmers, beta-testers
  • Network application developers
  • Systems integrators, consultants
  • Network protocol development specialists
  • Software and hardware developers
  • University students

This also probably the best network packet capture software for novices.

Download this free tcp packet sniffer, start to monitor and analyze LAN and Internet traffic in just few seconds!

Free Network Analyzer Advantages

  1. Fast. It works on high transfer rates without affecting PC performance.
  2. Real-time. It allows you to analyze data without delays on high transfer rates.
  3. Flexible. It supports advanced data filtering and layout customization.
  4. Social. It allows you to ask questions and get answers from experts.
  5. FREE. It costs you NOTHING!


protocol analyzer

  • 1 protocol analyzer<\p>

    анализатор протоколов
    Вспомогательный аппаратно-программный комплекс, который может обнаружить и декодировать пакеты с расшифровкой содержимого отдельных полей.

    Современные анализаторы способны обрабатывать данные различных протоколов – обычно до нескольких десятков.
    [Л.М. Невдяев. Телекоммуникационные технологии. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник. Под редакцией Ю.М. Горностаева.

    Москва, 2002]


  • электросвязь, основные понятия


Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии

  • 2 protocol analyzer<\p>

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь

  • 3 protocol analyzer<\p>

    протокольный анализатор, анализатор протоколов

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming

  • 4 protocol analyzer<\p>

    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию.

  • 5 protocol analyzer<\p>

    протокольный анализатор

    color analyzer — анализатор цвета

    noise analyzer — анализатор шумов

    sonic analyzer — анализатор звука

    speech analyzer — анализатор речи

    curve analyzer — анализатор кривых

    English-Russian base dictionary

  • 6 protocol analyzer<\p>

    1) Общая лексика: анализатор протоколов

    2) Вычислительная техника: протокольный анализатор , сетевой анализатор

    3) Сетевые технологии: анализатор протокола

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь

  • 7 protocol analyzer<\p>

    вчт анализатор протоколов

    English-Russian electronics dictionary

  • 8 protocol analyzer<\p>

    вчт. анализатор протоколов

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics

  • 9 protocol analyzer<\p>

    анализатор протокола; протокольный анализатор

    English-Russian information technology

  • 10 protocol decoding<\p>

    декодирование протокола, анализ протокола [передачи данных]

    “In contrast, a protocol-analysis system will decode the Telnet protocol and extract the login name” (Bob Walder). — Напротив, система анализа протоколов сможет декодировать протокол Telnet и выделить имя входа в систему.


    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию.

  • 11 protocol decoder<\p>

    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию.

  • Источник:

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